English Clubs
During the week we are teaching English, teaching the Bible and building trust among our students. Every Saturday we provide an opportunity to take the next step in relational evangelism through our English clubs.
Themes: A theme is carefully chosen each week which highlights an aspect of Christian life (i.e. hope, impact of words, forgiveness, joy, relationships, etc).
Activities: Activities are chosen and designed to engage all people no matter their level of English. These activities create a fun, welcoming and relaxing atmosphere.
Conversation Time: For around 45min. we split into small groups according to language proficiency. During this time we engage in conversations based on the chosen theme. We have found this time to be full of unplanned spiritual conversations as students begin to open up and feel safe to ask questions, share their doubts and personal beliefs, and listen to others as they share their personal opinions. Each group is lead by Christians who are trained in leading spiritual conversations.